Friday, February 27, 2009


This week in class we learned about algae and stuff.....

Friday, February 20, 2009

RED TIDE, blue tide, one tide, two tide!!!!!

RED TIDES are also known as the Algae Bloom. An Algae Bloom is an event where three types of algae join together rapidly in whats called a water column. Those three are estuarine, marine, or fresh water algae. The algae, or phytoplankton are single-celled protists, that can form together near the surface of the water. Some phytoplankton have pigmants that make them turn a red color. Obviously, when they all come together, it makes the water look red or pink. Also, red tides are do not occur because of the tide movement so they gave it the name algae BLOOM.

Some of the red tides are bad and hurt whats living in the water so those are called Harmful Algae Tides. It has been found to be extremely harmful to marine and wildlife around the areas where Red Tides form. It takes away some of the Nutrients that helps animals live.

Many scientists believe that the first plague in the bible, blood, was actually caused by red tides. The scientists believe that the red tides brought on the second plague, frogs. All of the frogs fled the water because they could not live in the harsh, algae bloom environment.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


We got our presents today...TANK! Everyone got one tank per person and we worked at cleaning them out. We had to use vinegar because soaps and other anti-bacterial liquids would obviously harm the bacteria we need to grow.