Wednesday, May 13, 2009

ChApTeR 9!

Marine Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals

Some examples of CLASS MAMMALIA(Mammals)
  • Order Pinnipedia-Seals, sea lions, fur seals, walrus
  • Order Carnivora- Sea otter, polar bear
  • Order Sirenia- Manatees, dugong
  • Order Cetacea-Suborder Mysticeti
  • Baleen whales-Suborder Ordontoceti
  • Toothed whales
Some examples of CLASS PRETILIA(Reptiles)
  • Order Chelonia-Sea turtles
  • Order Squamata-Sea snakes, marine iguana
  • Order Crocodilia-Saltwater crocodile
Some examples of CLASS AVES(Birds)
  • Order Sphenisciformes-Penguins
  • Order Porcellariiformes-Tubenoses
  • Order Anseriformes-Ducks
  • Order Charadriiformes-Gulls and related birds, shorebirds
  • Order Ciconiiforms-Herons
  • Order Gruiformes-Rails, coots
  • Order Pelecaniformes-Pelicans and related birds
  • Order Gaviiformes-Loons
  • Order Podicipediformes-Grebes
Migration routes of humpback and gray whales are very similar. Both species tend to migrate and breed close to shore, where they were easily hunted. Both species are on the comeback. The gray whale was removed from the endangered species list in 1994. This shows a possible change in where they mate. The western Pacific population of gray whales that may still breed south of Korea also appear to be growing strong again. Gray whales used to live in the North Atlantic region until they were nearly completely wiped out in the last 100 years.

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