Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sea Water

A Haiku about Sea Water
By Jonathan Edelman

Big Salty Blue Sea
Stupid People Warm You Up
Flood! Karma's A Bitch!

Class Notes for 1-26 and 1-28

  • Theory is a well-stated concept that explains a wide range of observations
  • It is predictive and testable
  • Theory-a broad statement
  • Law- more precise and specific
  • Ring of fire- Volcanos along border of pacific plate
  • Faults- break in the crust where rocks slip past each other
  • Divergent Boundary- Two plates pull apart
  • African Rift Valley-Plates pulling apart 
  • Siklet fish lived in lakes on African rift
  • Convergent Boundary-Two plates move together
  • Transform Boundary- Side by side movement
  • States of matter-solid, liquid, gas
  • Density=mass/vol.
  • Water most dense at 4 degrees Celsius
  • Water=best solvent
  • Crusts add salts
  • Most of ocean 35% salt
  • Temp. has effect on salinity
  • Density drops as Salinity increases
  • Cold water holds more gases
  • Deeper light penetration in open waters rather then shallow shores
  • Ocean Circulation-Ocean currents move by gravity
  • Thermohaline Circulation- cycle of warm and cold water+salinity

Sunday, January 25, 2009


I found it and it has to be in our tank!

Friday's Class- Jan. 23, 2009

The Sea Floor/Ocean Crust/Land Crust

  • 71% of the world is Ocean
  • World is made up of 4 Basins-Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, and Pacific oceans
  • Earth is 4.5 billion years old
  • Ocean Crust-Basalt, thin, more dense, oldest rock 200 million years old
  • Continental crust-granite, thick, less dense, oldest rock 3.8 billion years old
Layers of the Earth
  • Crust-5-7 KM thick
  • Mantle-3000 KM thick/Divided into Lithosphere, Asthenosphere and Lower Mantle
  • The Core- Made up of iron and nickel/ Divided into Outer and Inner Core
Heat and Energy
  • Radiation-Transfer of Energy through space
  • Convection-Heat transfer by movement of liquids
  • Convection Current- Flow of heat
  • Convection Currents in Earth- Heat in core causes convection in mantle
Alfred Wegner- hypothesized that continents were once connected and called "Pangea"
  • Evidence of Pangea found in land features, climate and fossils
  • Mid oceanic ridges are where the sea floor is spreading apart

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Article on New Fish!

A new species of fish from South America have found to have been in the Catfish family. Clearly, the catfish were sick of Louisiana and moved south! Read the article! It is very interesting!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Farmers Go Green!

This article discusses how farmers are Going Green by using wind energy!

Marine Biology (Period One)

1st blog!!!!!!!!!!

In Friday's class we did an experiment. We were given 11 liquids and had to observe them and figure out what they were. Some smelled very nice, others, not so much, but the point of the experiment was to learn how to do science experiments.