Sunday, January 25, 2009

Friday's Class- Jan. 23, 2009

The Sea Floor/Ocean Crust/Land Crust

  • 71% of the world is Ocean
  • World is made up of 4 Basins-Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, and Pacific oceans
  • Earth is 4.5 billion years old
  • Ocean Crust-Basalt, thin, more dense, oldest rock 200 million years old
  • Continental crust-granite, thick, less dense, oldest rock 3.8 billion years old
Layers of the Earth
  • Crust-5-7 KM thick
  • Mantle-3000 KM thick/Divided into Lithosphere, Asthenosphere and Lower Mantle
  • The Core- Made up of iron and nickel/ Divided into Outer and Inner Core
Heat and Energy
  • Radiation-Transfer of Energy through space
  • Convection-Heat transfer by movement of liquids
  • Convection Current- Flow of heat
  • Convection Currents in Earth- Heat in core causes convection in mantle
Alfred Wegner- hypothesized that continents were once connected and called "Pangea"
  • Evidence of Pangea found in land features, climate and fossils
  • Mid oceanic ridges are where the sea floor is spreading apart

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of posting notes that you take in class. Good job!
